Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Kyerra- 5.6
Alex- 4
Background- 16

Before TCF 444 the extent of my lighting knowledge was to make sure you saw what you needed to see to get the shot and it not be under/over exposed. After taking this course I can say my lighting knowledge is far more extensive as opposed to where I started. (Cues Drake’s “Started from the Bottom”.) The first week of class we learned about the quality of light, intensity, motivation, sculpting, and directional and bounced light. I had an opportunity to DP in the first few days which made me realize actually how much you have to take into consideration. In regards to lighting I was able to better understand f-stops and exposure. I also started to learn the ropes of using a light meter. During this time I learned the importance of three-point lighting and how all the lights work together after you build them one by one. What you don’t see is also as important as what you do see. I also learned how many lights I can safely plug in at once to avoid killing people in electrical fires or simply blowing fuses and circuits. I also found it handy to have worked different positions and knowing their roles and limitations. I got some pretty good practice in during our DP projects as to how to pre-plan and captain the ship. It was definitely an experience in which I will say I could definitely do better and will in the future because of that experience. I now find myself looking at things and wondering… “where is that light coming from” and the usefulness of a lighting diagram as a starting point for a shot and tweaking it as necessary. Ultimately, I feel that all I’ve taken from this course will make me a MUCH better filmmaker had I not taken it. 

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